A Week in my Peace Corps site

This week all of the volunteers in training and I went to visit our future sites where we will be living for the next two years!

At this moment, we are in training for about the first three months we are in Panama and are living with host families that stay very close to the Peace Corps office near the city. After, we will live for three months with another host family in our sites that we will be living and working in for the next two years!

The moment when we found out our site placements was very exciting and I am more than happy with my site in Colon, where I will be working with coffee farmers! It seems simple to take a bus about an hour and then wait for taxi, which can be about another hour for a 30 minute drive to my community!

This was one of my host families houses and the kitchen across the way I stayed in for the week up on a hill. Lots of hiking but good exercise ;)

My beautiful bath for the week and it was very relaxing to enjoy the natural area around.

And my community tour! Many hills, mountains, creeks, and rivers, it is a very beautiful area and cool at night.

 Miss diva ;)

When I arrived, one of my community members gave me a pollera hair piece as a gift! These are worn with a pollera which I have a picture of a Panamanian women in the traditional dress that are used for festivals.

This is my future house! But lots of work needs to be done to improve it and the community here is very willing to assist me. They all tell me that I am their family now and we will support and help each other.


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