30-Day Vegan Challenge!
Have you been wondering about trying veganism but do not know how to begin?
Or, are you already vegan but want some new ideas for recipes and other tips?!
Well I have recipes and some interesting information for you!
Why Even Go Vegan?
Besides helping you slim down to reach your health and body goals for the new year, there are other benefits to going vegan! I remember starting out, one of my friends was a vegetarian and I would try some of her dishes when we would get together. Experimenting with a meatless diet occasionally and researching more about the food industry eventually led me to go all the way as a vegan. In the beginning, it was a lot of trial and error since you really have to pay close attention to the ingredient list! It was an eye opener to read the types of things they put in our food.Now, I practice veganism most similar to #7-10. Here are some reasons to try a 30-day Vegan Challenge:
Awareness & Nutrition
From experience, when I first started as a vegan, I became more aware of what was going into my body and where my food came from. I believe this is the most beneficial aspect of being vegan and it will have a positive impact on your health. For example, there are many products that do not seem like they would have animal products in them but they do, like marshmallows and other candies that contain gelatin.
To be honest, yes there is the issue of consuming B12 vitamins though I have noticed that Almond milk and other vegan foods have B12 added to them. Or, one of my friends who is a dietician has suggested to me that I take a supplement for B12 and omega-3 fatty acids. Algae is a vegan alternative and vitamin supplements can easily help these issues.
Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Eliminating meats can decrease the impact on the environment. I read this in a book I checked out at the library, that caring for farm animals, the waste they leave behind, and the transportation needed to distribute them all contribute to green house gas emissions. On the other hand, growing plant-based crops require less land than raising cattle and other livestock to eat.
For some, they choose to be vegan to respect animals and support the fact that it is not always necessary to kill them or treat them unethically during their lifespan on a farm. I have seen documentaries on the gross treatment of animals and some do not get the proper care that they need. Also, some would argue that becoming vegan protects human rights because some poorer countries use their grain production to feed animals and support meat-based diets of richer countries when this land should be used to feed some of their starving populations.
Some helpful videos I watched that got me started to learn more about veganism are:
1. Food, Inc. (http://documentary-movie.com/food-inc/)
2. Super Size Me (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAnCOHCVjyU)
3. Animal Pharm... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyLLRjB3NWk)
Also, I am always searching for new information about being a vegan and even reasons against it. If you have anything to share, please comment below or post on social media for all to learn some cool stuff! Thanks :) -Megan #beunbounded
This place does have some dairy and non-dairy options. My favorite is their vegan ice cream and dairy-free toppings, like 100% dark chocolate balls and fresh fruit!
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