How to Succeed This Year

My vision to live a happy life is having the ability to travel the world and work for myself. Though I did not want to lose focus on these important goals this year, I made a vision board to get me started. While some say beauty equals happiness, I think the opposite; happiness is the secret to both inner and outer beauty.

Don't you feel more confident and beautiful when you are happy?!

Here are my 3 tips to take the steps in the right direction towards your goals, improved happiness and beauty!

1. Brainstorm & Make a List
Let your mind go at it and write down the things that you have wanted to do. Actually, just write it all down and do not worry if everything seems crazy and all over the place! We will organize the goals in the next step.

My best recommendation to complete this process is to meditate. I believe that it helps to really focus on what are your inner desires with an iPad or notepad close by to scribble it down. Being in silence and away from distractions helps to be more in touch with yourself.

Many people do not realize that society, family, and others can influence you and your path in life so, this really helps to bring back the focus on you. At the end of the day, your inner desires are what will make life worth living for and a happier you. Who else is going to pursue your dreams for you? No one. Your dream and life aspirations are unique to you and only you can do this.

2. Organize Your Goals
I like to organize my goals based on priority, like which ones can wait (like having kids one day in a couple of years) and others that are more immediate (I want to clean the house, today!). Plus, some goals may have limitations, based on whether you have a degree, age, etc. Take for instance, a friend of mine really wanted to live in Japan and Australia by using their work holiday visa program.  Some countries have an age limit, like you need to be 25 and under or 30 years old and under to apply. This meant that they needed to bump up those countries on the list if they wanted to visit them through ta holiday visa!

3. Actions & Completion Deadlines
I decided what were small actions each day, week, and month I could do to reach my goals. Breaking down a long-term goal into smaller goals (daily, weekly, or monthly goals), it helps in making progress. MOST IMPORTANT PART, you need to put monthly or weekly reminders into your phone calendar or planner with the actions you will do towards your goal.

One time, I made a 3 month deadline to save $1000 in savings. So, that meant every two weeks I put a reminder to myself in my phone to save about $175. Also, I made adjustments to other activities like reducing how many times I drank Starbucks in the mornings, ate out at restaurants each week, and went to the movies every month. When I organized my actions with dates on my calendar, it helped me to see my progress I was making.

Even if I took baby steps, like working out for 1 hour a day, I noticed that changes were happening, I felt positive about myself, and empowered where my results showed I lost 5 pounds while looking more toned. After, I felt more confident in myself and beautiful!

Good luck!

** Advice: Share your goals this year with others. I know when I communicate with others about my goals, they hold me accountable and provide me support on my journey to reach them. You can always tag your 2017 goals with #beunbounded to share with others reading this and give you support this year :) 


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