How to Succeed This Year
My vision to live a happy life is having the ability to travel the world and work for myself. Though I did not want to lose focus on these important goals this year, I made a vision board to get me started. While some say beauty equals happiness, I think the opposite; happiness is the secret to both inner and outer beauty. Don't you feel more confident and beautiful when you are happy?! Here are my 3 tips to take the steps in the right direction towards your goals, improved happiness and beauty! 1. Brainstorm & Make a List Let your mind go at it and write down the things that you have wanted to do. Actually, just write it all down and do not worry if everything seems crazy and all over the place! We will organize the goals in the next step. My best recommendation to complete this process is to meditate. I believe that it helps to really focus on what are your inner desires with an iPad or notepad close by to scribble it down. Being in silence and away from distract...