My Peace Corps House Tour & Garden!

I really wanted to give you guys a tour of my PC house and garden! (video for my house but my garden in pics!) Just to share for those who are wondering about Peace Corps life, volunteer work, and etc... I have made this quick video! (click on pic!) 

I want to take a moment to talk about how much a vegetable garden or just gardening in general is a great hobby to have in ones life! I had never grown vegetables or fruits before and the only experience I have ever had in the field was helping my mom with planting flowers around the house. Now that I have started, it is something I enjoy very much. Plus, when I want to eat it, everything is all organic!
 (Corn, tomatoes, ginger, and peppers)              

I did receive training on how to grow certain produce through Peace Corps and from my community coming to help me in my garden! (Below one is helping me put up a netting structure for my tomatoes so they grow upward). And through practice, I have improved my abilities and now my community members come to me to ask for advice! Really, just getting out there and dirty is the best way to learn. Also, to start small.

Overrall, I like growing f my own produce and  even though starting my garden began as a work task a part of Peace Corps, it is something fun and relaxing to do now!


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