Coconut Milk, Oil, &Tree Bark Tea!

The coconut had a manzana! (or apple) and it has a foamy texture and a sweet taste.

To make the coconut milk, first shred the coconut into small pieces with the shredder and put into a bowl.

 Next, add water so that it covers all of the shredded coconut and start squeezing the coconut, water mixture to release the milk. Do this multiple times until the water and coconut mix become more and more milky!

Now, strain the water and coconut mixture to rid of the small pieces of coconut from the milk and voila! You have fresh coconut milk to enjoy :) Also, once you have this milk mixture, it is very easy to make coconut oil. You only need to cook the milk in a pot for, well quite awhile, until the milk starts to turn into an oil. There will be a white, chunky reside like fat that will start and beneath is the coconut oil!

This tree bark tea is so delicious!! And now that you have made the coconut milk, you can start cooking the milk with the tree bark to make the tea! Add a little brown sugar and you have an all natural, organic tea ^.^


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