Does Love Always Win?
PART III I had shown up about 6 hours early to the airport because I was that excited and anxious to see him. I had slept a little on some couches at the airport and remember that his flight was delayed about two more hours because of the weather! I was even more nervous when then, I received a phone call from immigration in South Korea. "Hello?" "Hello. This is immigration at Incheon Airport in Seoul. Do you know Ja-bier Alexis Cruz Caba-lero?" "Yes! Where is he?..." "He is here and ........." I was so nervous, I could not pay attention to what she was saying. I was thinking in my head, he does not know that much English! They probably stopped him! What if they are sending him back? We were so close! 😭😭😭😭 ".... does he have a return ticket?" "Uhh.. YES! YES! I have it." "Okay.... (She says something else but I can't recall because of nerves.) -He is on his way." I still remember the ...