Our Pursuit of Happiness
After being here for a year, I have really surprised myself with being happy and content with having even less things! (I am not rich and did not have much to begin with before coming to Panama..lol) I am genuinely happy and have learned a valuable lesson from my Pana-mom. What is it that is really important to you in your life? These people here do not have much but there are some who are absolutely content with having the basics to live. After talking with some, they love how they live their life and would not want to change anything about it which is great. They find their happiness in having the option to spend more time with their families working together on their farm and depending on the harvest season, just spending time together in the river or making artisan crafts to sell when it is not harvest season. And while society tells us that we need money to survive, they do not make it their source for their happiness. Take for instance; my host family digs for gold most tim...